Customize your Scorekeeping Pages
Track Games
Are you playing a Legacy game, or do you like to warm up or cool down with a game-group classic? Give your top games a page of their own. Add the dates on the left, the players on the top, and then keep track of all your scores, or the initials of the winner in the grid. Game nights will feel more meaningful when you can look back at your shared history.
Track Rivalries
Does your gaming group have a few intense rivalries? Give each one a page of their own for bragging rights and settling scores. Just add the names of each party in the big box. Use the top header for your go-to games, then list out the dates on the left. Enter the scores in each grid box to keep both sides honest.
Track Game Days
Have an epic game day penciled in? Dedicate a full page to it by putting the date in the ‘big box’ in the upper left. Maybe a cool name, too. Then list out the games you played in the column on the left, and names of each player in the top. Use the boxes for scores, and denoting the winners of each round. Make it one for the books!
Track Years
Play the long game by tracking a full year in your book. Are you the type that wants to know how many games you played this year, and how many times? Try using a page for each month, with the names of the games on the lift and dates on the top, and then the number of times you played each one in the grids. You’ll be amazed, or appalled, depending on your perspective.